
President Suzanne Futch
1st Vice President Vacant
2nd Vice President Vacant
3rd Vice President Dianna Myers
Secretary Suzanne Futch
Registrar Kim Ellis
Treasurer Lunelle McCallister
Historian Lunelle McCallister
Recorder of Military Service Awards Kim Threlkend Ellis
Chaplain Suzanne Futch



Benevolent Activities Dianna Myers
Boutique Chairman Kim Threlkend Ellis
By-Laws Suzanne Futch
Correct Use of Confederate Flag Suzanne Futch
Finance Lunelle McCallister
Memorial Lunelle McCallister
Liaison to SCV Suzanne Futch
Magazine Lunelle McCallister
Mrs. Norman V. Randolf Relief Lunelle McCallister
Patriotic Activities Dianna Meyers
Public Relations Lunelle McCallister
Radio & TV Lunelle McCallister
Recognition of Black Confederates Lunelle McCallister
Southern Art & Literature Suzanne Futch
Southern Music Suzanne Futch
Meritorious Service Awards Kim Threlkeld Ellis
Scrapbook Kim Threlkeld Ellis
Southern Cross of Honor Kim Threlkeld Ellis
Yearbook Lunelle McCallister
Webmaster Lunelle McCallister
Homeland Security Kim Threlkeld Ellis